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** On-Line only ** The Ground Upon Which We Stand: A Regional Juried Art Exhibition

The Online Exhibition of The Ground Upon Which We Stand is OPEN Click HERE to visit the online gallery and shop The Ground Upon Which We Stand is a regional juried exhibition sponsored by the Northern California Women's Caucus for Art (NCWCA) in collaboration with the Abrams Claghorn Gallery.  Seventy-eight artists speak out about the sacredness of the land and the importance of standing your ground in this era of climate change and a global health crisis. With works represented in all media, the exhibition offers messages to and from the planet through the artists’ responses to nature, environmental pressures, society and the fate of our only home, Planet Earth. These artworks engage on multiple levels – wonder, worry, hopefulness, activism. Echoing Greta Thunberg’s call to action, the exhibition stresses that there is no plan B nor planet B.  The Ground Upon Which We Stand is more relevant than ever because the well being of our planet is intricately interwoven with our own. The exhibition also shines a spotlight on women's identities and their embodied experiences with planet Earth.  Stay tuned for . . .  * Environmentally Sound: Formerly a live performance and panel event scheduled for April 18, the event will now be transformed into an online experience in which special guests will respond to the exhibition artwork through poetry, song, science, and computer animation. Date TBD.  * A catalog of The Ground Upon Which We Stand with a forward by Laurie Rich, Executive Director, David Brower Center, will be available for purchase late-April.

JurorsElizabeth Addison, NCWCA Exhibitions Chair; Robert Abrams, Abrams Claghorn Gallery Owner; and Natalie Borges, Abrams Claghorn Gallery Manager.  Participating Artists Laura Abrams, Phoebe Ackley, Salma Arastu, Renee Austin, Donna Barati, Susan Bercu, Wendy Bertrand, Priscilla Birge, Pamela Blotner, Lorraine Bonner, Valerie Boyar, Megan Broughton, Jan Buscho, Carla Caletti, Lois Cantor, Beth Cataldo, Melanie Cates, Sylvia Chesson, Belinda Chlouber, Elin Christopherson, Parmalee Cover, Lanny DeVuono, Jessica Dunegan, Rachel Dwan, Marguerite Elliot, Leta Eydelberg, Miriam Fabbri, Theresa Giammattei, Vicki Gunter, Kelly Hammargren, Rebecca Haseltine, Trudi Chamoff Hauptman, Kennedy Hull, Linda Joy Kattwinkel, Kayla Kirsch, Susan Kraft, Krisztina Lazar, Karen LeCocq, Rachel Leibman, Lorraine Lerman, Carol Brent Levin, Bonnie Levinson, Janet Lipkin, Jennifer Lothrigel, Linda MacDonald, Karina Mago, Margie Manogue-Lillich, Elise Marshall, Sheila Metcalf Tobin, Juliet Mevi, Kate Mitchell, Sophia Moreau, Tomyé Neal-Madison, Carol Newborg, Priscilla Otani, Luna Ruth Paesch, Sydney Palmer, Cheryl Perman, Pamela Pitt, Barbara Pollak-Lewis, Monique Rardin Richardson, Danielle Satinover, Maria Schechter, Larraine Seiden, Durba Sen, Christine So, Phyllis Thelen, Jeannie Jarwin Tilghman, Rachel Tirosh, Victoria Veedell, Annie Walker, Céline Wallace, Melissa Wang, Michelle Waters, Diane Williams, Sandra Yagi, Marian Yap, Joanne Yeaton


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